Burn, Burn, Burn Those Calories!

Metabolism article - strength training

Metabolism, the process of converting food into fuel, is a complex interaction of hormones and enzymes that work together around the clock to produce energy needed to function. The rate at which we burn calories depends on age, gender, genetics, lifestyle, and body composition. Muscle tissue contributes approximately 20% to total daily energy expenditure, whereas fat tissue contributes approximately 5% (for individuals with about 20% body fat). As we age, our metabolism plummets 5% each decade after 40. Men burn more calories than women due to higher lean body mass.

Here are a few things you can do to help increase your metabolic rate:

  1. Strength train
  2. Eat your biggest meal earlier in the day, and then taper off to a small meal in the evening. Eat often: Small, frequent healthy snacks keep metabolism on track. Skipping meals or starvation diets only suppress metabolism. Metabolism jumps slightly after eating because of the thermic effect of food, which keeps your metabolic “fires burning”.
  3. High intensity interval training
  4. Strive for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  5. When you must sit, do it on a therapy ball or stand if possible. Clerical workers can expend more energy by ditching the office chair for a therapy ball or standing (Beers et al. 2008).
  6. Caffeine, capsaicin, and green, white and oolong teas may increase energy expenditure 4%-5% (Hursel & Westerterp-Plantenga 2010). Green tea has been shown to promote dose-dependent weight loss and weight maintenance, especially if combined with caffeine (Hursel et al. 2011). Try a catechin-caffeine combo: Caffeine stimulates thermogenesis via the sympathetic nervous system. Green tea contains both catechins and caffeine. This dynamic duo causes a dose-dependent increase in energy expenditure, particularly in some ethnic groups. (Hursel & Westerterp-Plantenga 2010). Capsaicin puts the hot in chili peppers and boosts thermogenesis via catecholamines. Significant increases in metabolism have been reported in Asian populations consuming this hot commodity, but results are mixed in other ethnic groups (Hursel & Westerterp-Plantenga 2010).
  7. Stay well hydrated, drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day. Check out our article on the many benefits of incorporating more water into your everyday routine.

Get Fit While Spring Cleaning

We’re always looking for more ways to incorporate exercises into our everyday routines.  Household chores may not be anyone’s favorite activity, but they can be a great way to fit more exercise into your day.  You might even find yourself with a cleaner house – and a fitter body!
Image - Get Fit While Spring Cleaning


Sweeping can be a wonderful exercise for the oblique muscles when done mindfully and evenly.  Think about pulling in your abdominals and waist line and be sure to change sides.  It can be difficult to sweep ambidextrously, but give it a try! You’ll improve. Once you start looking, you’ll find plenty to sweep.  Don’t forget to sweep outdoors too – your garage, front porch, and deck could surely use some cleaning.

Scrubbing the floor

If you think about it, scrubbing a shower floor or kitchen floor on your hands and knees basically pulls you in and out of a plank position. Be sure to use a pad or folded towel under your knees for comfort.  Reach forward as far as you can and pull back up again to really engage your ab muscles.

Washing windows

Wiping smooth surfaces like mirrors, glass tables, and windows gives you a chance to feel the burn in your arms and shoulders.  Be sure to switch arms to get a balanced workout.


When you carry a laundry basket, remember to stand up straight, engage your core muscles by drawing your belly button back and pulling your waist in, and do a good squat to pick it up and set it down. Relax your shoulders and hold it close to your body.

Cleaning up after pets

When you pick up dog poo or clean litter boxes, remember to use those legs. Before you know it, you may have added 20 more squats or lunges into your day. Using the legs and hips to lower yourself to the ground is much better on your lower back. Your cats appreciate a daily litter box scooping and your neighbors will appreciate living near your nice, clean yard!

Washing your car

Washing your car gives you plenty of opportunities to work your muscles.  Use your legs as your reach low to scrub the wheels and lower doors.  Reach high and scrub fast, alternating arms, to work your shoulders, back, and arms.  And every time you pick up your bucket of soapy water, take the opportunity to do some bicep curls.


Most people may find housework a chore, but now you know how to see it as an opportunity to use the body smartly, burn some calories, and tone the muscles.  So next time, instead of the gym, stay home and clean!

Booty Buster Resistance Band Workout


Wow!  This booty-busting workout from The Live Fit girls will really get your bum into top shape!  Do this workout with our new product, the NeeBooFit Resistance Tube Band set, you’ll be ready to show of your buns in the season’s cutest skinny jeans.  Our tube band set comes with everything you need to do this workout, including a strong door anchor and several levels of tube bands, so you’ll be ready to step up to the next level as you get stronger.

Strength Training for Runners


Runners tend to focus on cardio training, but strength training is crucial to keep your body in top form.  If you want to run faster, longer, and better, it’s not enough to simply run – you’ve got to strength train.

Avoid injuries.

The stronger your body becomes, the better it is able to recover from jars and jolts that could cause injuries.  As your strength the muscles surrounding your joints, you’ll experience less cartilage wear and preexisting conditions will progress at a slower rate.

Run faster.

You may think that a strong legs are the cornerstone of a fast run.  But, a strong core helps to propel your body and keep it straight and strong throughout the entire run.  If you want to improve your speeds, add strength training to your workout plan.

Build endurance.

Training your muscles, outside of a cardio-based workout, can be key in developing increased anaerobic power.  Your muscles will feel less sore after a run, even after running longer and harder.  With strength training, you’ll be able to maintain a higher intensity level for a longer period than with a cardio training program alone.

So, ready to get started?

It’s easy to get going with strength training that’s ideal for runners.  At first, focus on low-impact movements that focus on your core, glutes, hips, legs, and back.  Resistance bands are a great way to increase the intensity of your workout with a lower chance of injuries.  Now that you’re ready to increase your endurance, avoid injuries, and run faster, get yourself a set of NeeBooFit resistance bands and head over to our Exercises page to learn some great strength training exercises.