4 Awesome Benefits of Exercise

exercise benefits

Think exercise is only good for strengthening your muscles?  Wrong!  There are countless benefits of regular exercise.  Here are 5 of the best:

Regular exercise…

Enhances Your Mood

It isn’t just all in your head – exercise can boost the production of positive brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.  With sustained, regular exercise, symptoms of depression can be greatly relieved, possibly even as effectively as antidepressants.

Boosts Your Brain

When you exercise, your brain is forced to communicate between cells to enhance concentration and attention.  This type of brain exercise can promote better learning, help you avoid cognitive decline, and increase creativity.  Research is beginning to show that Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented through exercise, so exercise now for long-term benefits.

Improves Your Overall Health

Exercise can ward off the “big killers” like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.  Your muscles aren’t the only things that get stronger – regular exercise will increase bone density, leading to fewer breaks and stronger bones.

Promotes Higher Quality Sleep

Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and emerge from your nights better rested.

So make sure you keep moving!  You’ll benefit from exercise in more ways than one!

6 Ways To Get a Great Workout While On Vacation


We all know that vacations are about relaxation, right?  But staying active while on vacation might be good for your mood as well as your body!  Since exercise can raise endorphin levels and promote a sense of well-being, it may be just the thing to ensure you achieve total relaxation on your trip.  Here are six ways to stay active while on vacation:

1.  Bring along easy to pack equipment

One of our favorite things about NeeBooFit products is how easy they are to pack!  For instance, our Resistance Loop Band Set takes up only the space of a t-shirt and come with their own carrying bag.  With this set, you’ll be able to get a great strength training workout wherever you travel.

2. Take advantage of the hotel gym

This might seem like an obvious one, but since so many hotel gyms are empty so often, we figured it was worth mentioning!  Hotel gyms may not always be the swankiest, but they’ll give you a chance to use different equipment than you might usually try.

3.  Use the stairs

Stairs are everywhere when you’re traveling!  At the airport, in your hotel, and on the subway, avoid the escalators and hoof it up the stairs.  You’ll burn calories as you move and it won’t even feel like a workout, since you’re looking forward to where you’re headed.  Bonus points if you’re schlepping a suitcase!

4.  Get around with public transportation

From the subway to the bus to the train, public transportation will keep you moving.  You’ll often have to walk blocks to get to your destination from the nearest stop.  Even better: you’ll save money!  Walking while on vacation is the easiest way to make sure you get your daily movement in, and the view will keep you entertained as you move.

5.  Try a fun new activity

If you like adventure, consider trying a heart-pumping new activity while on vacation.  Stand-up paddle boarding, for instance, torches calories, works nearly every muscle in your body, and has the bonus of being a whole lot of fun!  You could also rent bikes, take a surfing lesson, or rent some snowshoes – get your body moving and have fun at the same time!

6.  Take a run

You may run all the time at home, but running while on vacation can be a whole different experience.  Bring along your smartphone to help you find your way and hit the streets!  You’ll see new scenery along the way and will transform your boring old run into a fun, sightseeing activity.

Body Measurement Worksheet

Sometimes, it can feel like you’re making absolutely no progress on your fitness goals.  You eat well, work out daily, and tone your muscles with NeeBooFit Resistance Bands, but you might think you look and feel exactly the same as before.

Progress can be slow, but it’s still progress!  One great way to stay motivated and on track is to compare your stats to where they were when you started on your path.  So, right now, download this free Body Measurement printable from My Crazy Good Life and mark down your measurements today.  There’s a space for you to update your measurements each week for a month, allowing you to really see where you’re making progress.  You might be surprised!

3 Ways Your Phone Can Help With Your Fitness Goals

Smart phone in hand

Smartphones have become a fixture of our modern lives.   There are apps for everything, so why not use your phone to help you get ahead with your fitness goals?  Here are three ways that your phone will jumpstart your workouts and keep you on track.

1. Use a tracking and fitness apps

Studies show that people who track their food intake can lose up to twice as much weight as those who don’t.  Why does it work?  Well, one reason could be that it makes you more accountable.  If you’ve got to write down that third piece of pizza or extra handful of chips, you might think twice about eating them.  Plus, apps can do much more than help you track your food intake.  You can record your workouts, plan your vitamin schedule, and check on your BMI with a specially built calculator.  One app we love at NeeBooFit is Fitness Buddy, an app that offers more than 1,700 exercises with step-by-step instructions.  You can refine your search by exercise equipment, so grab your favorite NeeBooFit bands, search for “resistance bands,” and get moving!

2. Use alarms and timers

We all get busy.  Sometimes, at the end of a long day, working out is the last thing on our minds.  So, set an alarm on your phone to go off daily and remind you to get off the couch and get moving.  If you’ve had a difficult time motivating, consider using your phone’s timer to workout in very short intervals.  While watching your favorite show, jog in place for just 3 minutes.  You might be surprised: just a small amount of movement can promote even more exercise.

3. Find some motivation

Sometimes a little boost is just what you need to get yourself over a little bump in the road. If you find yourself slowing down on your path towards your goals, use your phone to find photos and quotes that remind you of your end goals. Do you have a dress you’re trying to fit into? A photo of yourself when you were in the best shape of your life? A great quote that reminds you why you want to get fit? Set that image to show up on your lock screen. That way, you’ll get a boost of motivation every time you look at your phone. Change it frequently and you’ll get a little reminder that keeps you on track.

Free Printable Health and Fitness Planner from TotallyTheBomb

The best intentions don’t mean much if you don’t back them up with action.  That’s where this great printable planner from TotallyTheBomb comes in!  With pages to plan workouts and meals, this planner will even help you track your water, fruit, and vegetable intake.  And best of all, it’s free!  So print it out, grab your NeeBooFit Resistance Bands, and soon you’ll have your very first workout to record!  Hitting your goals is easy when you’ve got a stylish accountability planner to keep you on track.

4 Reasons To Exercise While Traveling

Map on wall

We’ve all experienced it. Travel can make you tired, cranky, and more prone to sickness. Fortunately, there’s a way to turn travel into a far more pleasant experience – with exercise! Keep your body moving daily when you travel and you’ll be reward with a far better trip. Here’s why:

1: Exercise helps maintain your energy levels.

It may seem counterintuitive, but regular exercise will boost your energy levels.  Research shows that exercise can fight fatigue, increase energy levels, and help maintain more constant energy throughout the day.  Plus, regular exercise will help you fall asleep faster and experience more restful sleep – a huge plus while traveling!

2:  Exercise will keep your digestion moving smoothly.

Travel can be a bit *ahem* rough on our digestive system, can’t it?  Strange food, unfamiliar water, and changes in schedule can throw our whole system off.  Exercise keeps your insides working properly and allows your digestive system to function at its best.  So while you may not want to go for a heart-revving cardio workout while you’re feeling queasy, a nice walk, gentle strength training, and some stretching will get you back to feeling like yourself in no time!

3: Exercise can give your immune system a boost!

Unfamiliar germs are everywhere when you travel!  So, give your immune system all the help it can get.  Regular exercise will allow your immune system to function at its best and you’ll reap the benefits as your body fights off all those foreign sicknesses.

4: Stick to your routine to continuing making progress towards your goals.

There’s nothing worse than coming home from vacation and feeling like you have to immediately make up for all the “fun” you just had.  Sure, we all eat more extravagantly while on vacation, but exercise while traveling will help offset your splurges.  If you’re working towards a fitness goal, don’t give up just while you’re traveling – exercise wherever you are and you’ll come home feeling top notch!


It’s easy to work out on-the-go with NeeBooFit!  Take a look at some of our products to find a set of resistance bands that will make it easy to exercise wherever you are.