Our massage balls are perfect for helping you achieve a diaphragm release. Click on the video above to watch as Nikki explains the importance of releasing your diaphragm and how to use the massage balls to get there!

Using the harder density lacrosse-style ball or the medium density spiky ball, we are going to release your diaphragm. We are going to work the area just below your rib cage from the center (xiphoid process) down diagonally to your side.


  • Choose the ball according to your level of sensitivity, body size and/or weight.
  • Make sure it is not too uncomfortable or painful or your body will push away and not allow the muscles to relax.
  • Lie on the ball, allowing it to sink into that region.
  • Move the ball slowly around that area looking for hot spots or trigger points.
  • Then hold pressure on the trigger point, breathe deeply, relax and hold that position while you wait for it to dissipate or let go.
  • The sensation may increase before it decreases and/or radiate to other parts of the body.
  • You sometimes may even feel a little nausea or dizziness.
  • This can take from 3-10 minutes so take your time, move slowly and breathe deeply.